Saturday, August 15, 2009

Nuggets of Gold

Another nugget of gold (pun intended :) ... A treasured gift brought all the way from the US, by another dear one who remembered my love for Hersheys chocolate.

So blessed...

God always brings the right people and forms of encouragement, to help us along when we most need them :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Half Full or Half Empty

"Do you think the glass is half full, or half empty?"

In life, there may be at least 3 types of people :

1) Those who would ponder if the glass is half full.

2) Those who would ponder if the glass is half empty.

3) And those who would drink up the water immediately, without letting the question bother them. For them, thirst is the most immediate and pressing need. The question and its answer don't matter as much.

Literally, and figuratively.

Take education, for example.

Some people praise the merits of a country's educational system.
Some people wax lyrical about its faults.
And there are some who long just for the privillege of being able to go to school to study, nevermind its strengths or weaknesses. Philosophy isn't something they have the luxury to indulge in at the moment.

We can take far too many things for granted sometimes, the same for other examples as well. Do we continue to debate 'half-full or half-empty' in blithe ignorance of those who long even for a sip of water?