Found another little sanctuary while wandering in the midst of the urban forest. The place seemed so dream-like, it was almost surreal...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Forest Sanctuary
Found another little sanctuary while wandering in the midst of the urban forest. The place seemed so dream-like, it was almost surreal...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Nuggets of Gold
Another nugget of gold (pun intended :) ... A treasured gift brought all the way from the US, by another dear one who remembered my love for Hersheys chocolate.
So blessed...
God always brings the right people and forms of encouragement, to help us along when we most need them :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Half Full or Half Empty
"Do you think the glass is half full, or half empty?"
In life, there may be at least 3 types of people :
1) Those who would ponder if the glass is half full.
2) Those who would ponder if the glass is half empty.
3) And those who would drink up the water immediately, without letting the question bother them. For them, thirst is the most immediate and pressing need. The question and its answer don't matter as much.
Literally, and figuratively.
Take education, for example.
Some people praise the merits of a country's educational system.
Some people wax lyrical about its faults.
And there are some who long just for the privillege of being able to go to school to study, nevermind its strengths or weaknesses. Philosophy isn't something they have the luxury to indulge in at the moment.
We can take far too many things for granted sometimes, the same for other examples as well. Do we continue to debate 'half-full or half-empty' in blithe ignorance of those who long even for a sip of water?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Louder Than Words
Over the past few months, I've often had to stay cooped up in my room, reading and writing in front of the computer for days on end. My family knew it could get quite depressing and frustrating at times, so they bought a little something to cheer me up (and to provide some sugar to keep me going :)
Japanese Mochi !!! :)
As well as biscuits for me to munch on while I think and write, heh.
The smallest tokens can say the biggest things... ♥
Sunday, July 5, 2009
An Unexpected Visitor
a low-pitched humming filled my room, and an audible "Twack!" punctuated the silence.
I looked up from my work, and turned around to find myself face to face with... a HUGE 10+ cm long praying mantis! The fella had apparently flown in through my window, and landed on my bed. Talk about knowing how to make itself feel at home, heh :)
- Read the rest of the entry from 'Leaf in the Wind'.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Grass Withers and The Flowers Fall
Life is short. Live it.
Live it Fulfillingly.
Live it Fruitfully.
Live it Fully.
But remember why we live it...
For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. For,
"All men are like grass,
and all their glory is like the flowers of the field;
the grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of the Lord stands forever."
And this is the word that was preached to you.
- 1 Peter 1 : 23 - 25
- Read the rest of the entry from 'Leaf in the Wind'
Monday, May 18, 2009
Greta made a stopover in Singapore during her flight back to Adelaide on the weekend. Thus, a few of us met with her and caught up over lunch yesterday. We also shared a Muddy Mudpie from Coffee Club - superbly rich chocolate and coffee indulgence... mmm :)
The 5 C's of indulgence... Chocolate, Coffee, Cake, Conversation, Company :)
Good food, good friends... I'm going to miss her.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Everyone walked past the small and seemingly insignificant roadside plant. Not hidden from view, but somehow, still easily overlooked. Yet, a reminder of the beauty, creativity, intricacy, and design of each piece of His handiwork.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the hearts of men;
yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."
- Ecclesiastes 3:11
Friday, May 8, 2009
Injecting Life
Not exactly the most aesthetic of pictures... :)
I had an injection with a dose of the influenza vaccine. Although it wasn't a vaccine against the H1N1 'Swine Flu' virus, the vaccine was supposed to dampen the severity if I did catch it, and would provide better immunity against other strains of influenza.
Thus, I finally went to visit 'Doc', an old friend, whom I hadn't seen for almost 7 years. After the injection, we chatted and caught up a bit, had a few good laughs, and talked about his collection of figurines. However, all too soon, we knew it was time for him to tend to other patients.
"It's been so many years... Well, hope to see you again." he said, with a smile on his face.
"Yeah," I said sincerely, missing our longer chats in the past, "but hopefully not in here, haha."
"Yes, that's right!" and both of us laughed, as I opened the door and stepped out of his clinic.
The injection site on my arm is still a little sore, but I guess the opportunity to catch up with an old friend made it worthwhile :)
Monday, May 4, 2009
"... We've had several really beautiful sunsets here over the past few days (like this one from yesterday). I'm thankful for the view from our place, where I could appreciate those brief moments, when the sky was streaked with a rich array of pinks, purples, and blues. A visual reminder of one of His masterpieces, whether it's miles away in Adelaide, or here in Singapore..." - Read the rest of the entry from 'Leaf in the Wind'
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words
Almost everyone knows the saying 'A picture paints a thousand words'.
Indeed, a picture or photograph can often portray so much more than a simple image.
Each picture tells a story in itself, displaying elements like the situation, background, and subject(s)... the context of what was captured.
More than that, it often (intentionally or not) encapsulates one's emotions, thoughts, perspectives, focus, interests... sometimes made obvious to the person viewing it, and at other times, made known only to the person who created it.
Behind every picture, there's a story, a reason why it was captured or created.
A friend once suggested starting a photo-blog. One photo a day. To capture and remind us of something that happened or struck us that day.
And perhaps I'll take up her suggestion. To chronicle my life and thoughts. To capture the memories of each little blessing that comes along each day. To remind me how each day is special and unique. To help me treasure things, and avoid taking them for granted.
A visual diary, of sorts.
Sounds idealistic? Perhaps :) Realistically, I probably won't update daily, but will try to do so at least once a week. After all, it doesn't take too long to upload one photo with a short caption, right? :)
We'll see :)
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